When entering a new MAC address, make sure that it is unique within your network. However, you can modify the default MAC address by typing another value in the MAC address field or clicking the Generate button. MAC addresses are automatically generated during the virtual machine creation. In the MAC address field, you can change the MAC address currently assigned to the virtual machine. Or click Configure and specify the Inbound and Outbound settings according to your needs. To do this, select Network Conditioner and choose a pre-configured profile that is specific to the network conditions you want to test. If you're a software developer, you can simulate various Internet connectivity speeds to test your applications. Note: This feature is available in Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition only. See Host-Only Network to learn how to configure this network type. Select this option to allow the virtual machine to connect to the host computer and the virtual machines residing on it and to make it invisible outside the host computer. See Bridged Ethernet Network to learn how to configure this network type. You can choose the physical adapter where the virtual machine adapter will be bridged in the list below the Bridged Network option. In this case, the virtual machine is treated as a stand-alone computer on the network and should be configured in the same way as a real one. Select this option to allow the virtual machine to access the local network and Internet through one of the network adapters installed on the host computer.

See Shared Network to learn how to configure this network type.

In this case, your virtual machine will share whatever network connection is currently used by the host computer. Select this option to enable the Network Address Translation (NAT) feature for the virtual machine. You can choose one of the following network types for the virtual machine network adapter: For detailed information on how to add a device, refer to Adding and Removing Devices. Note: If this device is absent, you can add it to Virtual Machine Configuration.