Electrician, Cold Control, Fire Safety, First Aid Training, and Pest Removal Training allow staff to mitigate damage and keep things running smoothly. Come Cell or High Water - Pest Control, Plumbers, Repairmen, and Road Maintenance Emergency Services are available for immediate relief from calamities.Riot Before the Storm - “Calamities,” like Deep Freezes, Heatwaves, Rat Infestations, and Lightning Storms can cause structural damage, lower prison ratings, and wreak havoc in the compound.Prison Architect: Perfect Storm Key Features: For all the changes, check out the full changelog down below!

Perfect Storm DLC comes with a wide array of new challenges and complex decisions! The Tower Free Update is packed with a ton of new free stuff and numerous fixes reported by the community.

Raining Rats and Dogs - Check current and forecasted weather conditions, and use weather prediction objects, to stay apprised of any impending disasters.Prison Architect: Perfect Storm makes it rain with grants, emergency services, staff training, and Calamities. Granted Refuge - Grants for Disaster Relief, Heatwaves, Emergency Protocol, Subsidence, Advanced Staff Training and Utility Retrofit Grant fund much-needed preparations to help ride out Calamities. Electrician, Cold Control, Fire Safety, First Aid Training, and Pest Removal training allow staff to mitigate damage and keep things running smoothly.

Riot Before the Storm - “Calamities,” like Deep Freezes, Heatwaves, Rat Infestations, and Lightning Storms can cause structural damage, lower prison ratings, and wreak havoc in the compound.Ĭome Cell or High Water - Pest Control, Plumbers, Repairmen, and Road Maintenance Emergency Services are available for immediate relief from calamities. Prison Architect: Perfect Storm makes it rain with grants, emergency services, staff training, and Calamities.